Our team

Olivier Hall
Founder of helvicare, certified Intermediary in Insurance AFA Switzerland, registered in the FINMA register N ° 30817, EMBA HEC Paris, Olivier worked as a bank COO. He identified the need for advice from a demanding clientele . Olivier is in charge of our forums, of the relationship with partners to articulate human advice and digital advice

Silvia Batraneanu
IT & Transformation Manager
Specialized in the infrastructure, integration and development of digital platforms, Silvia has a doctorate in computer science with extensive experience at CERN. She is in charge of the architecture and evolution of our platform by applying a methodology based on agility and Lean Management

Christine Coblence
Client Team LEADER

Irina Contescu
BACKoffice & Cockpit
After 10 years of business analysis experience for a CRM in the retail sector, Irina designs our platform modules. Irina is also in charge of metrics and the tactical / strategic cockpit. Process, Customer Relations, Administrative Monitoring, Cockpit are essential parts for combining digital and personal advice to our clients

David Duran
Client Advisor
David advises individuals and companies in Switzerland on their insurance needs
David is registered in the FINMA register N ° 32671

Albina Arslanovic
Client Advisor
With 7 years’ experience in a major European insurance company, Albina specializes in Non-life, Health and Pension insurance, as well as in Finance and Savings.
Albina holds a Bachelor’s degree in “Bank Finance Insurance” option in “cross-border insurance”. She advises individuals in their choice of Swiss and international insurance

Jean-Louis Gaubert
WEB Editor
With a confirmed experience of international expatriation, passionate about technology, economic and social topics, Jean-Louis’s editorial line details the daily life, the stakes and the challenges of expats and cross-border workers

Gisa Bustamante
Founder of Grafia | Diagrama, Gisa advises in London, Paris, Geneva and Brazil, from the creation of the brand to the elaboration of the communication strategy. She is in charge of the design of our platform

Serge Bayeron
Since 1972, Serge has advised individuals and cross-border businesses on their insurance needs. Registered in the ORIAS SACA register N ° 07001757, he advises us on the European insurance industry